Sunday, November 23, 2014

Loki Maestro by Invicta's Art Photography

I had the pleasure of finally working with this guy, who goes by Loki Maestro, in LA on my big shoot tour. I've known about him for a few years it seems, so this was much anticipated. He was such a pleasure to work with and the shots flowed effortlessly as we strolled around the streets of Downtown LA on a relatively calm Sunday afternoon. I was surprised to see a bunch of fabric stores and clothing stores in this shopping area, I'll have to go back sometime just to explore it, sans camera. This was my first shoot of the trip and I was so happy to kick it off with a red head, so rare! Stay tuned to my fb page for more shots from this session:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Leon Garcia Mini Magazine is here!

Leon Garcia Mini Magazine

I did this shoot right after coming back from living in Vegas for a while and I still remember how sticky I felt in the newly humid air on the coast that day. I'd gotten used to the dryness of the desert and this CA climate was a welcome change for my skin. I've always loved the coast, both SoCal and NorCal so I'm always excited to go play in the sand with some models and see what happens. The sunset that night was GORGEOUS! I had a wonderful assistant with me, Zac Hill, and I was very satisfied with the pictures once I was able to get on my laptop and look them over. Leon was wonderful and I wish I could work with him again someday. For now though, I have this publication to teasure. You can too if you follow this link:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Why do I do photography?

A college student writing a paper asked me to answer the simple question; why do I do photography? 

The simple answer is; because it’s fun and I like it. But that’s obvious. 

The real answer is I do it as a form of self expression, a way to get a message across and because I love long hair flowing in the wind. Oh, and to immortalize myself. 

Photography is but one means of expression I’ve come to rely on, writing is a close second. I started out in fine art painting classes and thought I would end up a painter. Turns out photography is much faster. 

I prefer the immediacy of photography over drawing or painting, and since I shoot only digital, it’s much cheaper and faster to get my results than shooting film. I can afford to experiment in ways the other media wouldn’t allow and I love that the result is something as compact as a digital file. It doesn’t need to have a material existence to be appreciated, unlike developing film or slathering some surface with paint. My photos are like visual thoughts. 

I seek to convey a variety emotions in my photography and in some cases tell a linear story. I’m drawn to photographing long haired male models in particular because I’ve always loved long hair on guys and the models I shoot with exhibit all the traits I seek to portray. They have the intense, masculine energy that works well with my shooting style, they know how to pose and convey different emotions and then there’s that long hair flowing in the wind! On men or women, I’ve always loved shooting that because it’s visually interesting, all the different shapes it can make and moods it can convey. I think it’s the greatest natural accessory one can wear. 

When I do an editorial with a specific message I shoot with that in mind and I love using photos to tell that story. Photography is unique in that it can be used to capture reality, or an enhanced version of reality, or even used to create a new reality and I love having all those options at my disposal when figuring out how to convey a message. 

The work that any artist does, whether it’s fine arts, music, writing, etc, these works will (hopefully) survive the artist when he/she dies, and thus art making is a great way to leave a legacy others can appreciate long after death. To me, it’s like having children in that my photos are my creations, they will be around after I pass on and they will hopefully have some influence on the world for a long time to come. This excites me and motivates me to create images others might enjoy and be able to relate to as well. 

At the end of the day I enjoy all aspects of photography, from concept to creation and this is reason enough to do it, for me, but the bonus is that others will see it and hopefully be entertained, perhaps inspired and may even learn something about themselves and the world around them. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Kevin Katich by Invicta's Art Photography

Kevin Katich is a drummer I photographed in Venice. His unique look caught my eye and I'm so glad we got to work together.  I also got an interview with him, luckily he gave back great answers;

How long have you had your long hair?
This cycle, I’ve had my long hair for three years and I’ve been dreading it for the past two years.  I’ve grown my hair really long once before and experienced instant regret when I cut it. 

Would you ever cut it, and what would make you cut it?
I’m definitely not planning on cutting my hair any time in the foreseeable future. My dreads are an extension of my personality.  The only thing that would cause me to cut them shorter (which would be after a few more years of growth) would be neck problems.  After a certain point, the weight of dreadlocks can supposedly cause tension in the neck, as told to me by some of my fellow dreadheads.   

What does having long hair mean to you?  Is it a fashion statement or is it personally significant to you?  
Both.  I look best with my hair long and long hair is more representative of my free-spirited, individualist personality than any other hairstyle.  I initially dreaded it because I was tired of maintaining/straightening my hair on a regular basis, as my undreaded texture is very curly and thick.  Originally the dreads started out as a fashion statement I guess, but the more I would dread my hair, the more it would develop a spiritual significance for me.  Dreadlocks for me are symbolic of wisdom.  It serves as a humbling reminder that I’ve become much wiser and have experienced a lot since I began the dreading process, but it also reminds me of how much wiser, experienced and more spiritually/metaphysically evolved I will be when my dreads are longer.  In other words, it’s a physical timeline with my memories built into it.   

Do you think women like it?  Have you ever gotten laid or not because of it?  
Definitely!  Women love to play with my dreads.  They’re a conversation starter and women are always trying to guess my ethnicity. Women generally seem to be more intrigued by me now that I have such an unconventional hairstyle.  I’m sure my dreads have prevented me from getting laid before too though, I’m well aware that this hairstyle does not appeal to everyone.   

What is the best compliment you’ve ever received regarding your hair?  
Much to my surprise, a woman told me that I was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen and went on and on about my dreads.  It was a pleasant surprise for sure.  I take pride in the fact that I have a unique, perhaps even exotic appearance, but I’m also very aware that my appearance is not the conventional American perception of “attractive.”  So that was very nice to hear.  I’m also frequently mistaken for an albino Black man, which is both hilarious and awesome.   

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?  
Everything.  Anything ranging from my career as a musician and how I can progress it to the next level to the acts of lucid dreaming and astral projection to various cultures around the world and all the places I want to visit to how we can nonviolently remove the political power from the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel and put it back into the hands of the citizens.  

What is your least favorite thing about humanity?  
Ego.  The ego of humanity has prevented us from recognizing that we are of one consciousness. Ego, whether it’s motivated by power hunger or desperation, has been the catalyst in the divide and conquer scenario that has taken place time and time again throughout history.  The idea that one human life is more valuable than another needs to go, and that will happen on a grand scale when we can collectively recognize ourselves in others.    

How would people communicate in a perfect world?  
Honestly and without deception.  I’d take the honest truth over sugar coating any day.  

What is one misconception people have about you?  
I’m often mistaken for being a hardass upon first encounter. My walk apparently implies that I’m a far more intense personality than I really am.  People tease me about my “gangsta” walk (which I don’t even realize I’m doing until someone points it out) and comment on how surprised they are at my friendly, easy-going nature once they’ve talked to me for a while. 

If you could be anyone else, who would you be?  

That’s a challenging question because I’m really not about hero worship.  But some people I currently really admire are Mark Craney (who mentored me when I was a teenager), Jon Theodore, Simen Hestnæs, Martin Luther King Jr., Paul Hellyer, Bob Marley, and Jesse Ventura. 


My photography page on FB: 

Instagram: Invicta’s Art Photography

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Leon Garcia by Invicta's Art Photography

Leon Garcia Mini Magazine now available at:

Leon Garcia was an AMAZING model to work with! I had a blast creating these and all the images from our shoot. A special thank you to Marcy, his manager for setting up the shoot with me and my assistant Zachary Hill who tirelessly lugged my gear around and provided lighting assistance.

For Prints of this session please follow this link:

As always, thank you for checking out this blog and I hope I'm making your day with these Longhairs! They sure make mine. :)

My photography page on FB: 

Instagram: Invicta’s Art Photography

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Baris Ari by Invicta's Art Photography

Had the pleasure of working with the epically talented Baris Ari last time I was in Venice, CA. Truly one of my favorite Longhair shoots to date! We strolled some grungy back alleys, ended up at the beach and then had pizza on the crowded boardwalk full of SoCal's most interesting people. I gave him  a choice of questions to answer afterwards and this is what he said. Thank you Baris for a wonderful time! Round 2 can't come soon enough! More photos at my FB page:

  1. Would you ever cut your hair?
    I would not ever want to cut it, but if an accident occurred and i lost a lot of hair, i would rock a mohawk!

  2. What made you want to grow it out?
     It was forbidden in my school, and the rebellious force in me was too strong!

  3. Favorite hairstyle? Down, ponytail, braid, bun, other?
    I am very simple with my hairstyles; I mostly wear it down and when there is too much wind or if i am eating I wear it in a ponytail.

  4. Do you think women like it? Have you ever gotten laid or not because of it?

  5. Have you ever wanted to dread it?
    Nah, it always seemed like too much work

  6. What is your least favorite thing about humanity?

  7. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
    When is the car in front of me gonna speed up...

  8. If I came to your house for dinner what would you prepare for me?
    Yummy Turkish food like Stuffed Peppers or Iskender

  9. What’s your favorite song?
    "Wishbone Ash: Throw down the sword"  but my favorite songs change every couple months..

  10. What is one misconception people have about you?
    I seem cold-blooded to most people who don’t know me, but it’s mostly because i am just too laid back

Monday, April 21, 2014

Aaron Groben for Invicta's Longhairs coffee table book about Long Haired Men

Aaron Groben

Aaron Groben is an actor in LA I had the pleasure to work with and I will again for sure after being so pleased with how these images turned out. He's a hardworking man, always rushing from one audition to the next, often booking 4 or 5 gigs per week or more! I'm very happy he took the time to shoot with me. Here's the result! More Longhairs can be seen on my FB page:

long blond hair
One of my favorite shots of the day

Loved how Spring was starting to show in the city
blond long haired guy
Aaron, the pirate! ;) 

long haired guy, long hair, long hairstyles on men, blond long hair

long haired man
Look at that hottie!

long hairstyles for men
A face to die for!

long haired guy, gritty, dark, intense, LA
So gritty! I love it! 

long haired cowboy
We happened to find this truck parked and utilized it for a couple shots, urban cowboy? 

Aaron Groben for Invicta's Longhairs Interview

Aaron Groben for Invicta's Longhairs

the interview

Here's what LA actor Aaron Groben has to say about being a Longhair. I enjoyed his responses and hope you do to. Tell me what you think! 

1. What does having long hair mean to you? Is it a fashion statement or is it personally significant to you? If there is a deeper significance, what is it, please elaborate?
Long Hair has a masculinity and a wildness. I am untamed. I am wild at heart.

2. What made you want to grow it out? I grew it the first time cuz I wanted dreads. Grew it the other times because of the look, feel, style, and statement. Plus, think about any slow motion action sequence in a film. If the warrior has long hair it's infinitely more masculine, exciting, + active than short, non moving hair.

3. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received regarding your hair? I was once awarded a Brad Pitt/Legends of the Fall Hair Award. Certificate and all.

4. Do you think women like it? Let's just say my future wife will love me for me but these long, blond locks are bonus

5. Favorite hairstyle? My favorite is that I dont have to have the same hairstyle everyday but that it can be an ever changing variable.
6. What do you think about when you're alone in your car? New tactics to pursue constant goals.

2. How would ppl communicate in a perfect world? Straightforward in love. Think about how JESUS communicates. It's controversial because it's so straightforward but it's all spoken in love.

3. If you could be anyone else, who would it be? I would never dream of being anyone other than me.

4. Cats or dogs? Cats...but only if it's a lion, panther, leopard, or cheetah. I guess a tiger would be okay too. 

5. Least favorite thing about humanity? Our sin nature. I want to see us living to our full potential.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ash Armand for Invicta's Longhairs

Ash Armand for Invicta's Longhairs

I had the distinct pleasure of shooting with this bundle of Hotness recently and I'm proud to say he's one of the first Invicta's Longhairs to be included in my new coffee table book project on Long Haired Men. This will be a years-long process of finding and shooting the world's most intriguing Longhairs for you, getting their stories and comments and then compiling them into one very intense shot of extreme Longhair love for all you hair fetishists out there. Please help support this project by sprinkling some magic on me here: 
Support Invicta's Longhairs Here!
Ash Armand, I loved how this background looked with his abs. ;)
We found this cool old bus on the Nelson Ghost Town property, climbed right in to find this awesome light.

It was his idea to do an 'ash' shoot, so we covered him in grease and charcol. Not a bad look for him, I must say. ;)
