Monday, August 17, 2015



At long last Issue 1 of Longhairs Magazine is finally out! After many hours of fiddling with this and that I hope all the versions (print, ebook, pdf) look smooth and like somebody gave a damn when they made it. I'm no graphic designer, but I can't wait to get my print copy in the mail to see how it all turned out! There's nothing like holding something you put together and seeing the finished product in your hands. Digital is nice, but the old school print is where it's at for me. 

This issue features images that have a summery feel to them, many beach shoots and carfree looks. It's nice to have a collection of my past shoots finally. A place where all the ideas come together and I can see it unfold! I'm excited to start working on Issue 2, the Winter issue which will feature images of a darker nature. Once that issue is done I'll need submissions from others to provide some of the content for Issue 3 as I'll need another shoot trip under my belt to flesh out future issues. 1 and 2 represent a collection of the recent past all the way back to the beginning when I first started shooting Longhair models. I'm hoping the way ahead will be paved with lots of luscious locks and many more epic images, lensed by myself and other great photographers. 

Can't wait to see where this journey takes me! 

You can get your copy of Issue 1